【公主】Sliver love(上)
2013-06-19 作者: Angeline
“谢谢你们来到‘sliver love’演唱会的现场。”雪樱优雅的扫了一眼,果然看见了他们。
雪樱:the way you laugh make me forget about all the danger。
you pet me as soft as you can。
陌雪:you say you will love me forever。
you say you will never leave me alone。
冰音:i listen so careful。
and i trust you。
雪樱:we walk under the sky at night and i say
三人:how beautiful is the sky
the sliver star cover the dark
and your eyes spark like the stars
the sliver star is like the sliver love
so pure and so true
i just wish we were forever like this
you smile and say we will
雪樱:in a sunny day
i saw you with a girl
陌雪:didn't you say that you will love me forever?
you pet her the same way as you pet me
冰音:you say the same thing to her as you say to me
the way you smile is same as you smile with me
雪樱:the tears like the silver raindrops down to my face
in the night walk in the place that you use to walk with me
the silver star still there
but my heart already broke
suddenly i see something
三人:you with that girl sit at the place we used to sit
i smile deadly
walk away without saying anything
雪樱:still remember the silver star
雪樱:i used to think one day we'd tell the story of us 过去我常在想某天,我们会将咱两相爱的故事讲
how we met and the sparks flew instantly 我们如何相遇,两颗心相碰顷刻间又有怎样的火花绽放
陌雪:people would say, ”they're the lucky ones” 人们会说他俩可真是幸运的一对
i used to know my place was a spot next to you 过去我总以为你的身旁一直是我心中那片归宿地
冰音:now i'm searching the room for an empty seat 而现在我将整个房间寻个遍要另找个空位能容身我坐下
cause lately i don't even know what page you're on 因为近来我甚至都不了解你在哪里(谱写哪出戏)
雪樱:oh, a simple complication 哦,如此简单却又纠结于心
miscommunications lead to fall out 爱缺少了沟通闹的我们都翻了脸
so many things that i wish you knew 我有太多事情都希望你了解
so many walls up i can't break through 你有太多的墙道道立起,牢不可破将我阻截
三人:now i'm standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立
in a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里
and we're not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语
and i'm dying to know 极想知道(相互间只存在不予理睬)
is it killing you ? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休
like it's killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?
i don't know what to say 我不知该说什么好
since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂
when it all broke down 命运之神随即也转身离去
and the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事
looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来多像一出悲剧
next chapter 下一章节
雪樱:how'd we end up this way? 这样不期而遇的局面我们又该怎么收场?
see me nervously pulling at my clothes 见我紧张的在拉扯着衣角
陌雪:and trying to look busy 努力让自己看起来忙而不顾
and you're doing your best to avoid me 而你也使尽浑身解数避免能再与我接触
冰音:i'm starting to think one day i'll tell the story of us 我开始想某天我会将咱俩分手的故事讲
how i was losing my mind when i saw you here 那时你现身与眼前的一刻我变的失去了理智
雪樱:but you held your pride like you should have held me 而你却将你要命的自尊死握不放,而当时你就该将我如那般牢牢把握
oh, we're scared to see the ending 哦,我不敢看一眼结局变成这般样子
why are we pretending this is nothing? 为何一见面我们都装成一副若无其事的样子
i'd tell you i miss you but i don't know how 想告诉你我想你但又不知要怎样才能和你说到一起
i've never heard silence quite this loud 我从未听过死寂在大声摇旗呐喊:将一切都埋在心里
三人:now i'm standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立
in a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里
and we're not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语
and i'm dying to know 极想知道(如鲠于喉的滋味)
is it killing you 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休
like it's killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?
i don't know what to say 我不知该说什么好
since a twist of fate 自从我们之间的一切彻底土崩瓦解
when it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复
and the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事
looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来很像一出悲剧
this is looking like a contest 这看起来像场较量
of who can act like they care less 我们都在角逐谁更能装满不在乎
but i liked it better when you were on my side 但我更喜欢你曾总依顺我,那时我什么都不在乎
the battle's in your hands now 此刻,这场决战的号角就掌握于你手中
but i would lay my armor down 但我会放下自己的武装
if you'd say you'd rather love than fight 如果你说出你宁愿好好爱我而不是要斗个你死我活
so many things that you wish i knew 有太多的事你都希望我能懂
but the story of us might be ending soon 但咱俩的故事可能很快就此画上句号
now i'm standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立
in a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里
and we're not speaking 而咱俩相见都无从开口
and i'm dying to know 极想知道(极想知道,咱俩已形同陌路)
is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休
like it's killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?
i don't know what to say 我不知该说什么好
since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂
when it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复
and the story of us 而且我们的故事
looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now 咱俩相遇的故事现在看起来多像一出悲剧,现在,现在,现在
and we're not speaking 咱俩彼此相见都无从开口
and i'm dying to know 极想知道(结局只有分道扬镳)
is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休
like it's killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?
i don't know what to say 我不知该说什么好
since a twist of fate 自从我俩的命运随即反复
'cause we're going down 因我们两颗心的相碰最终如同触礁都沉没
and the story of us 现在咱俩的故事
looks a lot like a tragedy now 看起来多像一出悲剧